What are you worried about as you start High School?

Sunday, July 1, 2012

More Q&A

This one from Rosa- Yahoo! Answers asks
1)what if you don't have an orientation and start the year knowing nothing about the location of the school

2) what are some sites available for sat and act studies?

3) what could you do at the beginning of the marking period to have a s?

Question number 1 is a very interesting question, honestly had never thought about it, glad she asked! This is a tough question to answer because everyone will handle it differently and there really isn't a way to get around the fact that you don't know much. Luckily the first day you will more than likely have a map of the school so that is going to have to be your bible, you get used to the school after a few days. Also, despite those whom do go to orientation, everyone will be a little lost because schedules change, classes change etc. If you get lost be sure to ask security or a teacher. As big as my school is (4000 plus students) I was fine without a map or directions after 4 days.

Question number 2 is easy to answer! There are several websites that help with both ACT and SAT prep, as long as you use these websites to your full benefit you should have a good idea on SAT/ACT type format.
SAT:  The College Board I suggest making a profile on this website ASAP, it will quickly become one of your best friends because not only does it offer a full SAT test (which will give you an idea of your official score), but it has all the resources you need for when you begin your college search.
Another website with practice SAT questions is Pro Profs
For the ACT The Official ACT Website  this is the only website I have personal experience with, if anyone has used another please share!

  • Other than these a quick google search should turn up results; also a quick side note, if you have an Android or Apple mobile device (iPod, iPhone, iPad etc) you can download the collegeboard's official SAT Question of the Day app

Question 3 I am not sure what and S is (I assume its satisfactory??)but to earn good grades the biggest things are to be sure that you are organized and ask for help. I cannot stress how important these two tips are for academic and lifelong success are.

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