Alyssa from Yahoo! Answers asked:
"Beginning Freshmen year with horrible teachers!!?"
~I just recently receiver my schedule for my freshman year in high
school. I honestly thought I would get good teachers but knowing my luck
I get the absolute worst. My math and Spanish teacher are the two most
difficult. I talked to the upperclassmen about them and they said "good
luck, she's though" and "get a tutor asap" I have freshman orientation
on August 23rd to meet the teachers and get a feel for the school. Do
you think I should go to guidance and simply ask for another teacher or
wait till the school year starts? I'm so confused and I'm in such a
sticky situation. I need help please!
My Answer:
You suck it up and deal with it. A guidance counselor WILL NEVER switch you out of a class because "you heard the teacher was horrible" and it's not because they're unsympathetic or because they are unaware of the teacher but because if they do it for you, they have to do it for everyone and at the end of the day the teacher has to teach. You need to try your hardest to stay focused and ask a lot of questions. If you feel that you are not understanding the material you ask another teacher. Keep your Guidance Counselor updated and if you do that then they will decide whether or not you will do better with another teacher.
~Remember just because someone else did a bad job in a class doesn't mean YOU will. Everyone has different learning styles and different things work for different people~
Thanks. Really helpful, since am going to start high school