What are you worried about as you start High School?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Mariluz asked: What are some ways that I can calm myself on the way to my first day as a freshman? Should I be worried about not making friends?

Well for any grade the first day of school is a mixture of feeling from nervousness to anxiousness to excitement. Ways to ensure that you are as calm as you can be ( within reasonable limits; I.e you WILL be nervous no matter what)is to have a stress free morning and night. The night before the first day of school be sure you get a good nights sleep some tips to make sure that you get a good nights rest and a good morning are:

• Don't eat anything an hour before bed
• have a cup of warm milk ( no chocolate, the sugar will keep you up)
• Pick out 2 outfits the night before so you aren't running around in the morning
• Wake up extra early so that you can have a slow paced morning
• be sure to rinse your face with a moisturizing element to help you look your best ( I recommend morning burst from clean & clear)
• Have your bag packed
• Leave your house with a lot of time ( if you rely on transportation)
• Have a good breakfast with protein and fruit
• Most importantly remind yourself that this is only another first day of school you aren't on your way to the Olympics but just to a new school building so it's important to keep your head!

As far as the friends situation goes I'm not goin to lie and say that you will have a friend as soon as you sit down in a class but it's important for you to make yourself approachable as in say hi to the person sitting next to you and make casual conversation this is always the start to new friendships and within a well you should your first friend or a Lear an acquaintance. So long answer short, I don't think you should worry about not having friends it will happen!!

Best of luck!

Oh and everyone be sure to keep me posted on how your first days went! I'll post them, send your stories to



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